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Never mow more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time.

Jacksonville Lawn Spraying

Turf Tech’s basic turf program consists of Fertilizer, Insecticide, and Broadleaf Weed Control with 7 applications per year. This is a great program to ensure that your grass gets the nutrients it needs for healthy growth, as well as insecticide and broadleaf weed control to keep out the things you don’t want. We custom blend our chemicals in order to give your grass exactly what it needs, and our equipment allows us to apply the chemicals in precise rates to reduce the chances of over application.

With our turf program, we will have your lawn looking it’s best. If you are interested in this service, we offer a free lawn analysis. During this analysis, we will inspect your lawn for any problems it may have, as well as let you know what it would cost for each treatment.

» View Before & After Lawn Spraying Photos


Lawn Fertilizer

Who doesn’t love the appearance of a lush, green yard? Well in order to have that, your turf needs fertilizer in order to grow well and maintain a dark green appearance. There are three primary nutrients in most fertilizers (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) and many secondary nutrients (Iron, Magnesium, etc). Not only are fertilizers blended with different percentages of nutrients, but many of the nutrients are also available in varying forms, which allows them to be absorbed in different ways by the grass.

We custom mix our fertilizers for each treatment to provide the most benefit to your lawn. When doing this, we factor in weather conditions, the condition of your lawn, and current chemical regulations.


With warm weather comes insects, and just about everyone has experienced the damage they can do to turf, either first hand, or by noticing brown areas in a neighbor’s yard. In the Southeast, there are four insects that do the most damage to turfgrass. Those include the chinch bug, mole cricket, sod webworm, and armyworm. Although there are other turf-destroying insects, these are the ones that cause the most widespread problems.

In order to make sure insects don’t infest and kill your turf, we apply insecticide during the months that they are active. We not only use the most effective insecticides available, but we also strive to use the ones with the lowest impact on the environment.

The most common problem that affects the control we get with insecticide is a dry lawn. Because of the way the insecticides are formulated, they need water to keep them active. Usually, we get enough rain to keep the insecticides active, but during the middle of summer when the temperatures are in the 90’s, or during any prolonged periods of drought, it is very important that your irrigation system is operating correctly and your lawn is getting enough water.

Broafleaf Weed Control

There are three types of weeds that can get into your lawn (broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and sedges). Broadleafs get their name because their leaves are broader than either grassy weeds or sedges. Their leaves are divided down the center into two sections and the veins run sideways from the centerline of the leaf. Our turf program includes broadleaf weed control because, if you have weeds in your lawn, they are more than likely broadleafs. Included in this category is Dollar weed (or Pennywort). Many companies will not control Dollar weed and will let it overrun your yard. We, on the other hand, include Dollar weed control with our service and will make sure your lawn is Dollar weed free.